Huwebes, Oktubre 5, 2017


Why Social Work?

"Social work is the art of listening and the Science of Hope" -anonymous
If I were to be asked, if what profession must be focused in our world today, I would probably choose 'Social Work'  why social work? as from the statements and information that were given on the other forums, it is clearly stated that Social work is not just helping itself, it's not just  feeding people,  donating material things such as clothes, voluntary works, giving time or lending a hand.
Social Work is more than that! It is a profession where in you solely put your heart, willingly and whole heartedly extending an arm for the people who mostly needs it. In social work, you don't exert an effort just because it is needed or affiliated to your job, you move and help because you chose to. You do things because you have your heart on it.

And that is what our World's needs. We need someone who can help without any hesitations and doubt. Someone with competence, courage, empathy, respect, and flexible. Yes, Social Work is not an easy job, for it requires a lot of patience and responsibility, but for someone who has the courage to do work with all of their heart, we can consider Social work as an easy job! and that someone, could be you! yes, you who is reading this right now. There's a goodness in you, you have a heart that can be used to extend care for others.

Would you just let our world drift apart because of poverty? war?  or injustices?  The one I know won't let it happen because he knows what's right. He won't let his people  die in thirst, hunger or in war. because the one I know has a heart and empathy for his fellowmen. You must be that someone.

Social work is the practice of love and care, so I'm encouraging you all to try this practice. For the love is the key for peace, and our world needs peace.

It's never too late to be a Social Worker!

Think for it while you still have a chance. "It's better late,
than never" -LILA MAE CRUZ

"As a social worker their job is very important. They do everything and sacrifice to help us. Without them we cannot fix our problems, we cannot find solutions on how to solve our problems. In our daily life especially in our generation, they are the main path in which they provide assistance and help of those in need like children to have a brighter future and families to have food, homes, and personal health care.
This is a serious job, not an easy work and not a joke to help their families and our fellow Filipinos. If you were a social worker or not if you do your job well and all of your sacrifices will be all paid off.

If you would be a social worker you'll do a lot of things such as you give solutions and advices. If you choose to be a social worker you must have humility, patience and respect to your clients. Being a social worker must always be active and ready in all of his/her duties.

All of us needs a help. We should help each other for the sake of our lives and to have a good economy. "It's better to give without asking in return."

A social worker is the one who we can call  a hero in our community because they help us with all their strengths and capability. helping others is the best feeling of happiness we can receive in our life. Are you a helpful one? do you care for our fellowmen? if yes, Social work is for you! because social work helps individuals, families, groups and communities to enhance their individual and their ability to use their own resources and those of the community to resolve problems. being social worker is easy because if your mind and heart do you want to help to other is easy to you no matter what happen. YOU HAVE TWO HANDS, ONE TO HELP YOURSELF AND THE SECOND TO HELP OTHER. like the social worker do, they help others to fulfill the needs of other and the society they will help you as much as  they can. and you can be the one of the social worker someday you can help others with your abilities and be the reason of someone smiles. -DANIELLA NICA DAVID

Are you helpful? or you'r a one of a kind person that makes the people around you happy? In our generation nowadays there's a lot of our fellow Filipino who needs help because of increasing poverty in our country then if you really want to help other people I will recommend you to be a social worker you will help a lot of people here and of course you will receive a lot of smile coming from their hearts. "It's better to give than to receive"

In social work, you will never be bored, although it is an tiring job, you get to enjoy seeing the smiles on kids' faces when they get to see their parents or their family members who they haven't seen in weeks, months, and even years. Everyday is completely different, it teaches you the true value or essence of things. To know that you helped another person in some small way is one of the greatest rewards you can get. Social workers are in demand right now, if you are willing to be an social worker, it's a good time to enter the field. You will never regret why you chose it.

Being a Social worker is an tiring job where you always give the best advice or options to the clients. But Being a Social worker is a fun where you can intereact so many people and get to know their story, you can develop your skill on being social worker. Having a passion just by helping other people, we might not know giving small advice and smile makes other people feel relieve and happy. In our world everyone needs a help so be the one who help “It’s better to give than to receive”

Social work is important because they help to find or make solution to a problem. It is important to ask for help to social workers because they can help in what you want and they knoe how to make solutions to your problem. Ask for help to social worker is very useful because they will support you through difficult times and ensure that you are safeguarded from harm. In our society social workers are important because they act as guide and advocates

Don't let the modernization eat your pride, be kind enough to help.
A little help is still a help.


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